So Money - Episode 185

Gillian Zoe Segal

Author of Getting There: A Book of Mentors

Today’s guest is going to share the importance of having mentor in our lives…She is the author of the new book Getting There: A Book of Mentors . In it she interviews 30 leaders across different career paths that share their journey on the road to achieving success. From Warren Buffett to Frank Gehry to Sara Blakely, the billionaire inventor of Spanx shapewear for women.

Her book offers great advice for everyone from students to those who’ve been working in their fields for years. It’s practical and priceless wisdom that we can apply across the board whether in our careers or elsewhere. She also wrote the book New York Characters, which pays tribute to some of the most interesting New Yorkers at the time. Gillian also received her law degree from the Benjamin N. Cardozo School of Law and is a photographer. She lives in NYC.

Three takeaways from our interview today include:

  • Why she wanted to write this book…coming from an author who says didn’t have any major mentors growing up.
  • How to get big, important people like Warren Buffett and Frank Gehry to say, “Sure, we’ll give you an interview for your book.
  • Of all the mentors in her book, the one whom she felt would serve as her most likely real life mentor.

If you would like to learn more about Gillian Zoe Segal visit her website or follow her on Twitter @GillianZoeSegal.

One of my favorite quotes from our interview: “‘Just cause it’s done that way, doesn’t mean it’s the right way.’ And that’s how innovation happens” – Click to Tweet

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