EP. 933

Erika Parker Price

Host, Ready Pause Go podcast

September 3, 2019

“Even if all your money’s going to childcare, that is a short-term thing. And if financially, it makes sense for you even to spend a huge percentage of your money, and don’t think of it is just the mom’s money, right? The mom’s money and the dad’s money should be contributing to that, or both parents, whoever the parents are. But to really think more long term about that, like not what percentage of my paycheck is going to pay for this?” – Erika Parker Price

To all my parents out there listening you know that the juggle and struggle between career and family life is tough. It’s so hard that 43% of mothers take a career break. But once that career break is over, getting back in the workforce is the new challenge. Our guest is Erica Parker Price, who knows all too well the difficulties of returning to work after a career pause. She spent the first 12 years of her career working in technology and negotiating multimillion-dollar projects. But after her second child was born, she decided to quit to raise her sons.

Once she was ready to re-enter the workforce, her gap meant she struggled to find a job. She couldn’t return to tech, and it took her years to find her ways into a new industry. Frustrated by the experience and wanting to help other career pausers along the way, she launched Ready Pause Go, a service and podcast coaching women on how to best transition back into the workforce.

Learn more about Erika on her website: https://readypausego.com/ and connect with her in the Ready Pause Go Facebook group or on Instagram @readypausego


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