EP. 639

Emma Johnson

Author of "The Kickass Single Mom"

October 16, 2017

Our topic today is single motherhood and how to make it work financially, romantically, professionally. Emma Johnson is an expert on all of those fronts and she has been a guest on this show before as the founder of wealthysinglemommy.com. She’s built an incredible community around single motherhood and how to make the most of it. Emma, thanks to the popularity of her blog, has a new book out now, it’s called, The Kickass Single Mom: Be Financially Independent, Discover Your Sexiest Self, and Raise Fabulous, Happy Children.

Emma was first on So Money® on episode 298 talking about her blog. Now, she’s back talking about this book and the advice that it gives to mothers on how to build their own wealth, ignite romance and raise great families. I think it’s actually something that all parents can learn from. It’s not just a bible for single mothers. I think it’s got some really great roles for all of us, who have children.

If you’d like to learn more about Emma visit www.wealthysinglemommy.com or follow her on Twitter @johnsonemma.


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