So Money - Episode 194

David Bach (Replay)

9 Time New York Times Bestselling Author

Happy Friday everyone. I’m doing a new thing starting this Friday and every Friday until the end of the summer. I’ve decided, just decided the other day, that I’m gonna air re-runs. You know, summer Fridays tend to be quieter than the other days, and I see it in my download numbers. I don’t get as many people listening in on Fridays. Also, it’s hard to get guests over the summer. So I’m at a point now where it’s a lot easier for me to just air re-runs on Fridays. I hope this isn’t gonna be too much of a problem for listeners. I mean I have already listeners telling me to slow down a little bit, and this is a way that’s helping me but also addressing I think the demand out there. I can tell, you guys have other things to do on Fridays.

And those of you that are tuning in, thank you! I appreciate you. But for now until the end of the summer, let’s just dedicate Fridays to some oldies but goodies. And today we’re gonna kick it off with the great David Bach. David, as you may know, is famous for his FinishRich books including Start Late, Finish Rich and Smart Women Finish Rich. One of my personal favorite books of David’s is The Automatic Millionaire. We talk about David a little bit actually in yesterday’s show with James Altucher when he is trying to convince me that 401(k)’s are thumbs down, no good and I took him to task, but mentioned David Bach’s input as well there. David is also an internationally renowned motivational and financial speaker. He’s a regularly featured financial expert in the media, you’ve seen him everywhere! He’s been on the Oprah Winfrey show six times. He’s been a regular contributor to The Today Show. I’ve been next to David many times on The Today Show, very privileged to say that I’ve had that opportunity.

A few takeaways from the episode:

  • David’s go-giver philosophy.
  • We go down memory lane with him and hear him share the financial lesson his grandmother taught him when he was a young boy…and it all happened at McDonald’s.
  • And of course, I had to ask him about Oprah. And what it was like – after 10 years trying to get on her show – to finally meet Ms. Winfrey and be a featured guest on her show.

If you would like to learn more about David Bach visit his website or follow him on Twitter @AuthorDavidBach.

One of my favorite quotes from our interview: “Life is a giant circle of karma…the more you give out the more it comes back.” – Click to Tweet

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