EP. 176

Daphne Oz

Natural Foods Chef, New York Times Bestselling Author and Co-Host of The Chew

July 6, 2015

In today’s episode I’m talking with Daphne Oz. Now, her name might sound familiar – her dad is TV Doctor, Dr. Memet Oz, made famous by none other than Oprah – but Daphne is very accomplished in her own right.

She is a natural food chef, a New York Times bestselling author, and co-host of ABC’s hit lifestyle series “The Chew.” She has a degree in nutrition and a culinary degree from The Natural Gourmet Institute, and she offers her expertise as “The Chew’s” face of healthy living and resident practical tipster, sharing helpful information and her unique person insights to making healthy living fun, easy and, of course, delicious! She has written two bestselling books, The Dorm Room Diet, in which she shares a healthy lifestyle plan that she developed in college that helped her shed over 30 pounds without giving up the food she lives, and Relish: An Adventure in Food, Style, and Everyday Fun, a cookbook and lifestyle guide full of tips and tricks she uses to achieve easy style at home and wardrobe, advice for career and relationships, along with yummy, healthy recipes. Daphne has a refreshing, realistic perspective on balancing the happy-healthy life, and I’m excited to pick her brain!

 Three key takeaways from my time with Daphne:

  • From motherhood to career to relationships and money, how Daphne tries to seize the moment and experience life in the now.
  • The day she realized her father had become somewhat of a celebrity and how she felt about it.
  • Losing $400 at the age of 9 at a Yankees game…and the lesson it taught her.

If you would like to learn more about Daphne Oz, visit her website www.daphneoz.com or follow her on Twitter @DaphneOz.

One of my favorite quotes from the interview: “I full-ass everything.” – Click to Tweet


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