So Money - Episode 808

Dan Schawbel

Author, Back to Human

“The technology addiction is getting really out of hand. We tap our devices over 2,600 times a day and look at our cellphone at least every 15 minutes. So it’s constant. We’re constantly using it. The real message in the book is to use technology as a bridge to human connection, not a barrier.” – Dan Schawbel, Author of Back to Human

Dan Schawbel was one of my first guests on So Money®, Episode 24. He and I have been friends for well over a decade. We were babies when we came to New York, bright-eyed, eager, and excited to take on the world and Dan has definitely has held up his end of the bargain.

Today, Dan is a New York Times bestselling author of two career books. He’s also a partner and research director at Future Workplace and the founder of both and His third book was released yesterday, Back to Human: How Great Leaders Create Connection in the Age of Isolation. It shares the results of years of research to show why virtual communication actually makes people feel more isolated at work than ever before.

Dan has advice for us on how we can make the workplace a better fit no matter our personality – whether we’re introverts or extroverts, whether we like to work from home or an office. And get this, Dan says, one face-to-face conversation can be more successful when it comes to your career and your work than dozens of back and forth emails.

To learn more about Dan, please visit Follow him on Instagram @DanSchawbel and on Twitter @DanSchawbel.

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