So Money - Episode 420

Christine Hassler

Life Coach

Today’s guest is a life coach and author of several best-sellers including Expectation Hangover, The 20 Something Manifesto, and 20 Something, 20 Everything. Christine and I are about the same age and I relate a lot to her experiences. She went through her 20’s in Los Angeles while I was in New York and we were both working in very intense industries, getting burnt out, experiencing what some of us might call “a quarter life crisis.”

Her quarter life crisis arrived at a time when she was a Hollywood agent, believe it or not, at age 25. She became a very powerful agent and it was a turning point for her. It was the “aha” moment and she quit her job. What followed was not immediate success but more like a series of pain and disaster. It was only after that, that she realized that she had a bigger calling in life. It was to be a speaker, a retreat facilitator, a spiritual psychologist and life coach. Christine now hosts her own top-rated podcast, “Over it and On With It.”

We talk about how she believes that once we get out of our way, we can show up to make the meaningful impact we are here to make. This was one of the most inspirational interviews I have ever done and I took a lot of notes. I walked away feeling like I had a lot more clarity around some of the more underlying feelings, the subconscious feelings about success and money and what it means to be fulfilled. It’s a great way to kick off a new week.

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