So Money - Episode 471

Catherine Alford


A friend of So Money® is back to talk about protecting one of the most high-anxiety investments – college tuition.

Catherine Alford was on So Money® last summer (EP 113) sharing details of her life as a personal finance blogger and aspiring entrepreneur. She’s the breadwinner and mom to two-year-old twins. How does she do it? That was the scope of our conversation.

Fast forward over a year, Cat is increasingly getting her work and message out there by collaborating with brands and doing tons more press. (Check her out on Good Morning America here!) She’s become a major voice and influencer in the world of mom bosses.  She’s on the program today to discuss her latest initiative – working with Allianz Tuition Insurance – to share advice around protecting your college investment in the event that you or your child needs to take a break due to an illness or injury. Not all tuition reimbursements work alike and insurance can come to the rescue.

Plus Catherine has some exciting personal financial developments to share, like how having her husband finally out of medical school and working has been good for their relationship. Plus, moving to the midwest and affording a bigger life!

For more information about Allianz tuition insurance visit: and for more about Catherine, check out her website or follow her on Twitter @CatCAlford.

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