Latest InStudent Loans

EP. 1410

Ask Farnoosh

Farnoosh Torabi

Advice for borrowers who made payments during the federal loan payment pause on how to get a refund, investing in real estate as a beginner with kids and expenses and getting over the inflation blues

EP. 1404

Ask Farnoosh

Farnoosh Torabi

Alex Gailey, writer and student loan expert for NextAdvisor and Peter Dunn, Founder of YourMoneyLine and host of the Pete the Planner radio show, join to answer the biggest questions surrounding the new student debt relief program.

EP. 1383

Ask Farnoosh

Farnoosh Torabi

Farnoosh answers audience questions about how to pay off student loans in your 60s or beyond, affording childcare so that you can continue working and the pros and cons of stock splits.

EP. 1289

Patricia Roberts

Author, Route 529

We take a closer look at one of the most popular college savings vehicles - the 529 plan. Guest Patricia Roberts, author of Route 529: A Parent’s Guide to Saving for College and Career Training with 529 Plans, shares her expertise.

EP. 1266

Ask Farnoosh

Farnoosh Torabi

This week's Ask Farnoosh addresses audience questions related to student loan, investing advice for teens, financial advice for someone nearing retirement and post-divorce, as well as the best finance books for beginners.

EP. 1248

Ask Farnoosh

Farnoosh Torabi

Learn how to find an estate planning attorney, break up with a financial advisor, start a 529 plan, talk about money with your partner for the first time and when is the best time to ask for a raise. Farnoosh also selects her reviewer of the week to receive a free 15-minute money session.

EP. 1223

Ron Lieber

Author, The Price You Pay for College

In his latest book, The Price You Pay for College, Ron help readers make the most financially and emotionally-intelligent decision possible in selecting a school.

EP. 1208

Ask Farnoosh

Farnoosh Torabi

earn how to find an estate planning attorney, break up with a financial advisor, start a 529 plan, talk about money with your partner for the first time and when is the best time to ask for a raise.

EP. 1184

Ask Farnoosh

Farnoosh Torabi

Listeners ask about how to best afford moving to a more expensive city, splitting rent when you earn less than your partner and how to get more comfortable with spending.