Latest InRetirement

EP. 1426

Ask Farnoosh

Farnoosh Torabi

Audience questions related to baby delivery costs, how to afford maternity leave when you're self-employed, how to choose a 529 plan and how a 401(k) rollover works.

EP. 1407

Ask Farnoosh

Farnoosh Torabi

Is it wise to contribute to a brokerage account before maxing out a 401(k)? Financial advice in the aftermath of divorce and top books for young adults seeking financial wisdom.

EP. 1401

Ask Farnoosh

Farnoosh Torabi

The White House announced it will erase up to $10,000 in federal student debt for borrowers making less than $125,000 a year -- or $250,000 for married couples.

EP. 1398

Ask Farnoosh

Farnoosh Torabi

Questions about getting out of the cycle of living paycheck to paycheck, investing for a child’s future (outside of college), Roth IRA penalties, and negotiating more money at your job right now.

EP. 1392

Ask Farnoosh

Farnoosh Torabi

On today's show: Is it better to pay off debt or add to savings, as we head into a recession? Is it OK to tap a Roth IRA to supplement emergency savings? What are the pros and cons of physician mortgages? And more.

EP. 1383

Ask Farnoosh

Farnoosh Torabi

Farnoosh answers audience questions about how to pay off student loans in your 60s or beyond, affording childcare so that you can continue working and the pros and cons of stock splits.

EP. 1377

Ask Farnoosh

Farnoosh Torabi

Questions about getting out of the cycle of living paycheck to paycheck, investing for a child’s future (outside of college), Roth IRA penalties, and negotiating more money at your job right now.

EP. 1365

Ask Farnoosh

Farnoosh Torabi

Farnoosh shares thoughts on a recent article about households earning $250,000 but living paycheck to paycheck. Audience members want to know: Can I retire early? What to do with an inheritance?

EP. 1360

Andrea de Roode

Co-owner, Maui Tea Farm

Longtime So Money® audience member Andrea de Roode joins to share her journey to leaving her full-time job to pursuing her side business full time.