Questions regarding adding children to your business payroll, enrolling in a 529 plan when college is just a few years away (good idea?) and how to manage a 401(k) that's being discontinued at work?
Today’s show is about managing and making the most of an inheritance and other windfalls. The Great Wealth Transfer is unfolding, with a record number of assets passed down from generation to generation.
Is it worth transferring savings from your current bank to a high-yield savings account (HYSA)? Given a new law, is it wise to roll unused 529 dollars into a Roth IRA? How can parents raise kids to be “So Money?”
Tiffany's latest financial tool is a new workbook called Made Whole: The Practical Guide to Reaching Your Financial Goals, which offers a practical approach to transforming financial dreams into reality.
Guest co-host Georgia Lee Hussey, founder of Modernist Financial, joins to share insights into how to manage your money during an election year and to help answer audience questions about paying off a mortgage early, budgeting for a newborn and investing in your 50s
Today’s show is about managing and making the most of an inheritance and other windfalls. The Great Wealth Transfer is unfolding, with a record number of assets passed down from generation to generation.
Ask Farnoosh about money, work, life, or a recent guest below and she'll do her best to answer your question during an upcoming Friday episode on So Money. Record a message below or type in your question.