Latest InInvesting

EP. 1548

Ask Farnoosh

Farnoosh Torabi

The pros and cons to overpaying a credit card for the sake of budgeting for big expenses; how to create an exit strategy from an industry that you don’t love; should I work with a financial planner if I don’t need investing help?

EP. 1541

Molly Wood

Founder, Chief Storyteller, Molly Wood Media

Molly Wood is a longtime business and technology journalist turned venture capitalist. She shares insights into the many moving parts and hurdles behind bringing climate solutions to the forefront, and why she's ultimately optimistic about the direction of climate action.

EP. 1536

Ask Farnoosh

Farnoosh Torabi

Several investing questions from the audience, including whether to cash out a low-performing portfolio, how to balance investing for retirement and paying off debt

EP. 1533

Ask Farnoosh

Farnoosh Torabi

Should you switch banks if you're only earning 2% on your savings account? When does it make sense to invest in home upgrades? Should a listener sell her house now or later?

EP. 1529

Molly Wood

Founder, Chief Storyteller, Molly Wood Media

Molly Wood is a longtime business and technology journalist turned venture capitalist. She shares insights into the many moving parts and hurdles behind bringing climate solutions to the forefront, and why she's ultimately optimistic about the direction of climate action.

EP. 1524

Ask Farnoosh

Farnoosh Torabi

This week, an unemployed listeners ask about the risks that come with "too much" time passing while attempting to find work. Also: Farnoosh's top investing book picks and the 411 on stock splits.

EP. 1521

Ask Farnoosh

Farnoosh Torabi

Audience questions this week: What's more financially beneficial: a cash-out refinance or a home equity loan? How to ramp up investing for retirement in your 50s? And what are some ways to eliminate credit card debt sooner than later?

EP. 1506

Ask Farnoosh

Farnoosh Torabi

This week on Ask Farnoosh: The pros and cons to HYSAs, investing strategies for those 50 and older and when it makes sense to roll over an old 401(k).

EP. 1489

Morgan Housel

Author, The Psychology of Money

Mastering money has little to do with math. Instead, behavior is the most important side of investing, says today’s guest Morgan Housel.