Latest InInvesting

EP. 736

Danielle Town

NYT Bestselling Author of Invested

Today’s guest is Danielle Town, a New York Times best selling author of the book Invested: How Warren Buffett and Charlie Munger Taught Me to Master My Mind, My Emotions, and My Money (with a Little Help from My Dad). 

EP. 732

Scott Wapner

CNBC Anchor, Author of When the Wolves Bite

Five years ago, two billionaires named Bill Ackman and Carl Icahn duked it out on national TV and the clip went viral. They hurled accusations and insults at each other over a financial deal gone wrong, and our next guest, Scott Wapner, was the CNBC host who was right in the middle of the battle.

EP. 725

Ask Farnoosh

Farnoosh Torabi

This Friday, Farnoosh and co-host Catherine Alford, family finances expert at, tackle your biggest money questions. We have questions related to real estate investing, paying down your mortgage and cashing out your investments after quitting your job. Also can you open a Roth IRA for an unborn child?  

EP. 722

Ask Farnoosh

Farnoosh Torabi

How do you plan for caring for aging parents and young children at the same time? My parents are retired and have decent savings, but they are getting older and my dad had some health issues last year.

EP. 701

Ask Farnoosh

Farnoosh Torabi

What is a reasonable price to pay an accountant who is preparing your taxes? Help... I can't bring myself to spend my money on material items, even though my financial life is in good shape. Answering these questions of yours and more with special co-host Danielle Robinson, Director of Corporate Social Responsibility at Jackson Charitable Foundation.

EP. 698

Ask Farnoosh

Farnoosh Torabi

My husband and I will be quitting our jobs later this year to travel globally for a year. Aside from savings and insurance, what should we consider? What are risks to consider when renting out part of your home? Answering these questions and more with co-host and marketing consultant Erica Gellerman.

EP. 696

Shannah Compton Game

Host of Millennial Money Podcast & Millennial Money Expert

If you like financial podcasts then I think you’re going to be happy to know that today we are featuring a very successful top female financial podcast host and certified financial professional, Shannah Compton Game. She’s the host of the podcast, Millennial Money.

EP. 695

Ask Farnoosh

Farnoosh Torabi

What's your advice regarding the stock market? How do I protect my gains from the last 7-8 years? How do I continue my salary negotiations when I’ve already had the conversation about 10 times and I keep hearing, "Yes, you’re in line once the budget frees up?" Answering these questions of yours and more with co-host and CFP Amy Irvine.