Latest InInvesting

EP. 883

Marc Lichtenfeld

Author of Get Rich With Dividends

This episode focuses on some of the ways to approach dividend investing and general smart practices for investing in the stock market. 

EP. Bonus

Bonus: Ask Farnoosh

Farnoosh Torabi and Joy Stephens

Schwab's Joy Stephens co-hosts to tackle money questions related to Roth IRAs, saving for college and how to prepare for a possible correction in the market.

EP. 871

Erin Lowry

Author, Broke Millennial Takes on Investing

Investing is not just for the wealthy. It is for broke millennials, too. We're welcoming back on the show my friend Erin Lowry, a personal finance expert. She started the crazy, popular blog called Broke Millennial years ago, as a way to share her own useful financial tips with her peers.

EP. 866

Ask Farnoosh

Farnoosh Torabi

How to juggle career and family when husband is out of town?

On International Women's Day, Farnoosh invites financial expert Megan Gorman to co-host. Topping the list of questions: how to save for retirement and the benefits of the almighty Roth IRA.

What do you think about not investing in my 401k to aggressively save for a down payment on a house?

EP. 839

Ask Farnoosh and Grant Sabatier

Farnoosh Torabi and Grant Sabatier

Special co-host Grant Sabatier, founder of Millennial Money and author of the forthcoming book Financial Freedom, joins Farnoosh to answer your biggest money questions

EP. 836

Ask Farnoosh

Farnoosh Torabi

Slowing down retirement savings to better afford a matchmaker? What does Farnoosh think?

EP. 827

Ask Farnoosh

Farnoosh Torabi

Farnoosh and co-host Kara Stevens, founder of The Frugal Feminista, discuss your biggest money questions including how to manage money with friends who like to spend more than you do ... as well as the best ways to save and invest and sell real estate.