Latest InInvesting

Today we will examine what adoption of crypto and the blockchain will mean for the world - the environment, business, innovation. What world will we be living in where crypto will dominate?

EP. 1208

Ask Farnoosh

Farnoosh Torabi

earn how to find an estate planning attorney, break up with a financial advisor, start a 529 plan, talk about money with your partner for the first time and when is the best time to ask for a raise.

EP. 1205

Ask Farnoosh

Farnoosh Torabi

How to find a financial professional who's also good with taxes? Is whole life insurance worth it? How much company stock is too much to own? Where to park cash you may need in the next 5 years for a wedding?

EP. 1199

Ask Farnoosh

Farnoosh Torabi

On this week's Ask Farnoosh: What to do when parents start interfering with your financial moves? A listener says her father-in-law, as his "dying wish," wants to see her and her husband buy a house. (Yikes!)

EP. 1197

Lisa Phillips

Founder, Affordable Real Estate Investments

Lisa Phillips is a real estate investor who specializes in Black communities.

EP. 1196

Ask Farnoosh

Farnoosh Torabi

When is the 'right' time to start getting ready to buy a home, what to do with an old TSP retirement account, the truth about financial advice on TikTok and how to get over the fear of investing.

EP. 1193

Ask Farnoosh

Farnoosh Torabi

Listeners ask about President Biden's tax change proposals, whether it's OK to paint your house versus pay off student loans, how to curb the impulse to spend on outings and vacations once you're vaccinated and finally, advice for investing in art.

EP. 1187

Ask Farnoosh

with Georgia Lee Hussey

Did you read the article in New York Magazine this week about the young woman who made $6 million in her start=up company's IPO?

EP. 1186

Jannese Torres-Rodriguez

Host, Yo Quiero Dinero

Jannese Torres-Rodriguez is a nationally-acclaimed Latina Money Expert, Educator, Speaker, Writer and Business/Wealth Coach.