Latest InEntrepreneurship

EP. 925

Mahisha Dellinger

Founder, Curls

What does it take to go from growing up in poverty to running a multi-million dollar business and having a TV show on The Oprah Winfrey Network? Our guest today knows all about this.

EP. 924

ChooseFI Podcast Co-Hosts

Jonathan Mendonsa and Brad Barrett

What is the equation for financial independence? Today we have the co-hosts of the very popular ChooseFI Podcast joining, Jonathan Mendonsa and Brad Barrett, who have some answers.

EP. 919

Kari Skogland (Replay)

Director, The Handmaid's Tale

Did you know only 7% of film directors in the U.S. are women? That gap is hopefully narrowing soon, as women in the movie industry (and everywhere) are demanding equal pay, equal treatment, and equal opportunities. Our next guest is a rising star - named by Hollywood Reporter as one of its “Ten Directors to Watch."

EP. 917

Ask Farnoosh

Farnoosh Torabi

What's the best way to "put to work" an extra $2,000 a year? How to choose between two internship offers? And financial advice Farnoosh would give herself if she could turn back time.

EP. Bonus

Bonus Ask Farnoosh

Farnoosh Torabi

Should I pay down a mortgage early? How to tackle family planning and buying a home at the same time? How much is too much to save for retirement?

EP. 913

Laena McCarthy and Ami Watkin

Co-Founders, The Integrated Hustle

"One of the real challenges that ambitious women face is working a lot...this idea that work has to be kind of not just efficient but it has to be across expansive amounts of hours and without really allowing for pleasure.”

EP. 911

Ask Farnoosh and Allison Task

Farnoosh and Allison Task

From negotiating your salary during a career switch to the pros and cons of taking on a loan to support your growing business, we’ve got you covered.

EP. 906

Samantha Razook

Founder, Curious Jane

What began as a camp designed for her daughters and their friends, has evolved into a thriving business - Curious Jane -a summer camp and print magazine that has projects revolving around science, engineering, and design.

EP. 905

Ask Farnoosh

Farnoosh Torabi

In this week's Ask Farnoosh: How to approach a boss who has been avoiding your raise, finding an affordable coach for a small business, and purchasing multiple homes.