Latest InDebt Management

EP. 1133

Ask Farnoosh

Farnoosh Torabi

What to do with an inheritance? Should I max out a 401(k) before the tax deadline? Should I use savings for paying down debt or keeping it put?

EP. 1094

Ask Farnoosh

Farnoosh Torabi

EP. 1092

Ali Katz

New Economy Expert

Are you practicing "empowered sovereignty?" Guest Ali Katz says this is how we should be thinking about money and work in the new normal economy.

EP. 1090

Bola Sokunbi

Founder, Clever Girl Finance

For many women, especially women of color, access to financial education isn’t as readily available. But our guest today is trying to change that once and for all.

EP. 1079

Ask Farnoosh

Farnoosh Torabi

CFP and founder of FIT Advisors, Anjali Jariwala joins to answer listeners' questions about bankruptcy, paying off debt, saving for a home and creating a financial plan.

EP. 1057

Talaat and Tai McNeely

Founders, His and Her Money

A new study estimates that on average for every dollar of accumulated wealth that white families have, many black families have just one cent. Talaat and Tai McNeeley, are on a mission to help change that quotient.

EP. 1050

Lauren Silbert

General Manager,

From how to spend the stimulus check to mortgage forbearance and rent negotiations, Lauren Silbert, VP and General Manager of personal finance website shares some of the top searches on the site - and answers to people's biggest money questions.

EP. 1045

Tom Corley

Certified Financial Planner

For many, 2020 will be characterized as the year of survival. Our guest Tom Corley, CFP, offers financial advice to help us keep head above water as we navigate all the uncertainties.

EP. 1034

Ask Farnoosh

Farnoosh Torabi

Can I negotiate my credit card payments? Should I continue plans to attend graduate school in the fall? Should I put my start-up plans on hold?