How to find a financial professional who's also good with taxes? Is whole life insurance worth it? How much company stock is too much to own? Where to park cash you may need in the next 5 years for a wedding?
Emma Johnson, founder of Wealthy Single Mommy and a divorced mother of two children, is a vocal champion for the assumption of 50/50 parenting, making appearances in the media and state capitols to share her evidence that joint custody can help support financial equality between parents.
This episode explores the financial inequalities, as well as some of the emotional and social struggles when you're a person living with a disability, as experienced by guest and memoirist Emily Rapp Black.
In their new book Impact, Brandt and Tibbetts share stories and interactive activities to help readers find their focus, identify partners, and plug into movements for long-term, systemic change.
On this week's Ask Farnoosh: What to do when parents start interfering with your financial moves? A listener says her father-in-law, as his "dying wish," wants to see her and her husband buy a house. (Yikes!)
At 75 years old, fashion designer Norma Kamali continues to innovate and create impact in the industry. Discover how she has self-funded her business with no debt and her secret to creating and selling bestselling designs.
Are you sensitive? Well then guess what - you have a superpower, says guest Melody Wilding, author of the new book Trust Yourself: Stop Overthinking and Channel Your Emotions at Work.
Ask Farnoosh about money, work, life, or a recent guest below and she'll do her best to answer your question during an upcoming Friday episode on So Money. Record a message below or type in your question.