Latest InAchieving your Goals

EP. 1302

Ask Farnoosh

Farnoosh Torabi

Is it wise to transfer credit card debt to a private loan? How might cosigning a mortgage with a loved one (even if you're not the one paying the mortgage) impact your ability to qualify for your own home loan down the road?

EP. 1301

Grace Bonney

Author, Collective Wisdom

From an Olympic athlete and a NASA team member to award-winning artists, activists, writers, and filmmakers, Bonney shares the key takeaways, insights and predictions these remarkable women have about our world.

EP. 1300

Caroline Dooner

Author, Tired as F*ck

Bestselling author Caroline Dooner joins with an important message as we enter a new year: Let's get some rest!

EP. 1299

Ask Farnoosh

Farnoosh Torabi

As Farnoosh journeys further into her 40s, she shares her top pieces of financial advice to accomplish in the next decade.

EP. 1298

Dorie Clark

Author, The Long Game

Author and Duke University Professor Dorie Clark joins to share insights from her latest book, "The Long Game: How to Be a Long-Term Thinker in a Short-Term World."

EP. 1297

Jannese Torres-Rodriguez

Host, Yo Quiero Dinero

Jannese Torres-Rodriguez is a nationally-acclaimed Latina Money Expert, Educator, Speaker, Writer and Business/Wealth Coach.

EP. 1296

Ask Farnoosh

Farnoosh Torabi and Georgia Lee Hussey

We continue our discussion around the Cost of Climate Change and its impact on our investments and financial choices with guest Georgia Lee Hussey, co-founder of Modernist Financial and certified financial planner. We respond to listener questions about creating a sustainable portfolio, buying flood insurance and more.

EP. 1192

Rachel Rodgers

Author, We Should All Be Millionaires

In her book Rachel teaches women how to make the kind of money that will give them the authority to make meaningful changes in their communities and close the opportunity gap that exists today.

EP. 1294

Terri Trespicio

Author, Unfollow Your Passion

In her new book Unfollow Your Passion, Terri shares the insights and tools for living a meaningful life on your own terms.