So Money - Episode 850

Casanova Brooks

Real Estate Expert and Author

Our guest today is Casanova Brooks, a young man who battled cancer in his teens, lost his home, lost his job and experienced the death of his mother all within the span of one week. Hitting rock bottom, he says gave him the confidence to take on new challenges, take on a growth mindset and rebuild his life. Today is one of those episodes where you’re just going to hear the most inspiring story of a man who persevered and now only at the ripe age of 31, has completely rebuilt his life.

Casanova today is a successful real estate expert, having locked in 46 real estate deals in his first year as an agent. All this, working in a new city, where he had no family, no friends, no network. His outlook on life has awarded Casanova invitations to speak all over the world. He’s also the author of the book Real Estate: Play the Game Like the Winners. We’re going to talk about the steps he took after hitting rock bottom, his take on real estate these days and how to evaluate risk in your financial life.

Learn more about Casanova Brooks at, and on Instagram @Cassanova_Brooks.
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