When’s the last time you sat your parents down and talked to them about their money? If you’re like most people, it probably hasn’t happened yet. And, I don’t blame you. Talking to your parents about their savings, their will, their hopes for what happens when they get older or after they die is unpleasant. But, as today’s guest will share, it’s absolutely necessary.

Cameron’s experience taking over her mother’s finances after her mom was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease inspired her to write a book on how to to discuss finances with parents before it’s too late. It’s called Mom and Dad, We Need to Talk: How to Have Essential Conversations With Your Parents About Their Finances.
Her articles have been published in Kiplinger’s Personal Finance, Business Insider, Chicago Tribune, Fortune, Huffington Post, Money, MSN, USA Today and more. She’s also the current Life + Money columnist for GOBankingRates.
ollow Cameron on Twitter @CHLebedinsky and visit her website www.CameronHuddleston.com.