So Money - Episode 1090

Bola Sokunbi

Founder, Clever Girl Finance

“We downsized everything and we went from living in a five bedroom house into a tiny little apartment, we went from having multiple cars, to just one car.”

For many women, especially women of color, access to financial education isn’t as readily available. But our guest today is trying to change that once and for all. Today we’re welcoming the founder of Clever Girl Finance, Bola Sokunbi. Bola received an early lesson in money when her father became ill and had to stop working unexpectedly. The problem with this was that he had used up all of his money to send her three brothers to college and didn’t have any money left over for Bola to further her education.

Luckily, it was her mother, who began as a home maker, who told her that she would pay for Bola’s schooling from the money that she’d set aside from her side hustles and entrepreneurial pursuits over the years. Because of her mother’s hard work, Bola was able to leave Nigeria, get an education and go on to found her own business, empowering women to be financially savvy.

Her company, Clever Girl Finance has helped thousands of women, over the years, receive coaching and financial education they need to advance their lives. Bola is also the author of the fourth coming book, Clever Girl Finance: Ditch Debt, Save Money and Build Real Wealth. It will be available on June 25th.

Learn more about Bola at and follow her on Instagram @clevergirlfinance..

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