So Money - Episode 358

Bing Chen

Digital Media Pioneer & Entrepreneur

Today on So Money® millennial week we have a digital media pioneer and entrepreneur. He, like many of the others this week, is not even 30 yet. In 2014, Bing Chen was featured in Forbes‘ 30 under 30 in the Hollywood and Entertainment category. Now, Bing has quite the resume. He was once YouTube’s Global Head of Creator Development and Management where he spearheaded most of the platform’s early major acquisitions, development and promotional services, for its now 300 million creative artists globally.

Today, he’s the co-founder of Victorious, a new media passion platform and new media content producer. I’m not really sure what that means so I ask him about that. He goes into a deep-dive about what he’s working on today and why it’s going to change the world. We also go back in time. You can tell right off the bat, he is hardwired differently. So, I want to know, what did he want to be when he was younger? Growing up who was his role model? You’re going to be surprised to hear what he has to say.

Also we talk about the future of social media. Does YouTube have what it takes to remain the number one video platform? He also reminisces about getting hired by Google. Plus he shares what that interview process was like. You always hear all sorts of stories about the difficulty of getting jobs at big places like that. So Bing is going to take us behind the scenes – you’ll want to hear this story.

If you’d like to learn more about Bing Chen, visit his website or follow him on Twitter @BingChen and Instagram @BingChen.

One of my favorite quotes from the interview: “Finance is not about earning, it’s about investing.” – Click To Tweet

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