EP. 33

Barbara Stanny

Money Coach and Author

February 13, 2015

For the most part, deep down we ALL know what we are supposed to be doing… whether it comes to money or relationships… But often we find new and creative ways to procrastinate because venturing into the unknown can be scary…

Today’s guest, Barbara Stanny, knows all too well about procrastination! She grew up relying on her father (the “R” of H&R Block), then her husband, to manage her money… until a devastating financial crisis became a personal wake-up call. Since then, she made her mission to revolutionize women’s relationship to money. She shares her journey to financial independence in hopes of inspiring and motivating YOU to become smart (or smarter) with money.

Three takeaways from this interview:

– Why a financial journey is far more enjoyable when you can add some spirituality to it

– Barbara’s specific advice for women who want to become financially empowered and free

– Why being willing to do what you fear is the most powerful element of going to the next level

If you’d like to learn more about Barbara Stanny, visit her website www.barbarastanny.com and follow her on Twitter @barbarastanny. She’s written numerous books. Among them are Sacred Success, Prince Charming isn’t Coming and Overcoming Underearning and are all available through her website and Amazon.

Our favorite quote from the interview: “I believe that in your deepest pain lies your highest purpose” – click to tweet


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