So Money - Episode 104

Ask Farnoosh

Farnoosh Torabi

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In today’s Ask Farnoosh episode…


Hi Farnoosh, I love your SoMoney Podcast.  I am aspiring to become a financial expert.  I just got my certification as a financial literacy educator and now I am studying to become a certified financial counselor.  I joined a local toastmaster group to sharpen my public speaking skills and I just joined John Lee Dumas Podcaster Paradise.

Two questions  1.  I want to do podcasting, blogging, and public speaking… do you think that is too much starting out? 2. At what point in my new passion for spreading financial education do I seek an agent?


I asked one question about saving funds for my kids education couple of weeks ago. You spent almost your valuable 15 min time to answer my question with lot of information which I can not find anywhere. Thank you so much for that.

I have one question regarding same topic. i.e If I decided to save only $2000 per year for each kid (I have two) education what is the best approach from the following to save $2000 per year. I am really confused which one to choose. I live in Michigan.

1) ESA ( Education Savings Account also called as Coverdell account)
2) 529 Account


You often talk about earning more instead of just cutting back.  Would you recommend adding student loan debt for a doctorate degree to advance my higher ed career?  I still have student loan debt (40k undergrad/grad) and I don’t want to add more but to advance to dean it will make me more competitive.  I work at a university now and they will pay 2/3 the costs, my portion is a little less than 19k. My concern is I don’t own a home which is a goal and I have a wife and 6 week old son, whose college fund needs funding now. I live in LA where real estate appreciates daily.  Thoughts?


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