So Money - Episode 98

Ask Farnoosh

Farnoosh Torabi

In today’s Ask Farnoosh episode…


In reply to your ask on 7-day-per-week podcasts… TAKE A DAY OFF! I love the idea of a Friday Q&A that allows you a weekend to relax. Risk of burning out just isn’t worth it. Keep up the good work. Love your show.


First of all a big congrats on winning the podcast of the year. So happy for you. Your podcast has been amazing , I listen to it nearly every day and happy to say it’s a good crash course in different ways to learn about money, something I have never been taught in school or college. Despite having so much in student loans, I manage to contribute to my ROTH IRA on monthly basis. As I learned from you that like everything else in life planning and saving for retirement is important as well.  Again many congrats on your accomplishment. Keep up the good work.


Hi Farnoosh! It’s Veronica again. I am still having condo woes. We would love to sell as you advised but we are upside down in our mortgage and don’t have the funds to cover a short sale. We are still trying to rent it in the meantime and my husband has been looking for work but hasn’t found anything yet. My parent’s health has gotten worse so my responsibilities have increased at home. Is there any more advice you could provide? Also thank you very much for the Amazon gift card it helped purchase a birthday gift for my mother in law.


Two of my favorite authors are Thomas Stanley & Dan Solin. Will you have them as guests?


Should I give up paid vacations for more money?


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