So Money - Episode 76

Ask Farnoosh

Farnoosh Torabi

Answering your biggest money questions. Today: What’s the ideal age to retire and how much should I have? and How do you approach that first investment or business move when you’ve made a bit of money?

Also, congrats to BreanaJ for submitting a great review on iTunes! Email me to book your free 15 minute money session with me!

Below, the full questions from today’s episode:

Natalie asks:

Hi Farnoosh, I work for Interview Connections and I spend a lot of time researching podcasts. I can honestly say, that within the field of finance, yours is one of my absolute favorites – it really is a great show! I have a couple of guest suggestions for you…can I send you more information?

Breana asks:

My Ask Farnoosh question: Most of the financial advice for “millennials” seems to come in doomsday form, “Stay away from credit cards!”, “Stay away from student loans!”, without any helpful advice for young people with expendable money & no real expenses. I’ve got the basics; I’m paying off my student loans & I’ve got a 401K with company match. But how does a 24-y/o novice delve further into the intimidating investment world? I want to be productive with my money.


How do you approach that first investment/business/move when you’ve made a bit of money?


What the ideal age to retire and how much should I have?


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