So Money - Episode 55

Ask Farnoosh

Farnoosh Torabi

On today’s episode of Ask Farnoosh, I answer your questions related to investing and ethics, getting your finances in order for the first time and working with a financial advisor. All questions and comments below. Thanks to all who contributed to this weekend’s episode.


First, I want to tell you that I love the show. I am learning a lot and loving it.
My question… How do you know if you should invest in getting a financial advisor and how do you find one? Our situation is as follows: We bring home a little over $10,000/month; over 50K in savings; contributing to our employer retirement programs; looking to sell our home and buy in a different neighborhood (we live in L.A); and we are in our early 30s. Uncle Sam takes half of our income and its killing me. I was considering getting a financial advisor to hopefully guide us to reduce the amount of taxes we are paying and increase the amount hitting our bank account. I’m just not sure if a financial advisor will just be another expense or if it will actually help our bottom line. This is all new to us and we are kind of lost. HELP!


My husband and I have a 18 year age difference and we plan on retiring together in 15 years and begin living off his savings. He hasn’t saved much more than I for retirement. How do we prioritize where to put our savings for retirement if we have to make a choice between his or mine for additional accounts such as Roth IRAs?


Thanks for the awesome podcast!  I will be writing you a review as soon as I can figure out how..
I have a request: Can you do a show listing, recommending & otherwise helping unearth excellent/impactful/helpful/informative books on finance and investing? I know a lot of the authors you have on have written books, and I love adding those to my reading list, but it would be amazing to have a large list of suggestions in one place (from someone who knows enough to recommend the good stuff!).


Hi farnoosh,  I’m a podcast junkie and luv your podcast. I have officially added you to my podcast roster. Your in there with Dave Ramsey, 48 days, money girl,  etc. I would like to leave you a review on iTunes but  I have no idea how to do it. I think you should make a how2 YouTube video and post it on your webpage. It might help me and others too 😀  Love your work! Onward!


Hi Farnoosh!  Loving the Podcasts and personal questions that you ask, its very interesting to hear different answers and comes with great insight. Im 30 yrs of age and no savings. I am married and want to start making wise money decisions and investing.  would LearnVest be a good option for me, or is there something else. I will be starting with very little savings.   Thank you for your time.


In what ways do you think ethical considerations should work into our personal money decisions?  For example, if someone feels that climate change is a moral issue, do they have a responsibility to invest in green funds?

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