EP. 435

Arianna Huffington

Author of "The Sleep Revolution"

June 27, 2016

Today we’re going to learn how to sleep our way to the top with the Arianna Huffington, who has a new bestselling book out called. The Sleep Revolution: Transforming Your Life, One Night at a Time

After her own brush with exhaustion in 2007 running the Huffington Post, Arianna woke up in a pool of blood with a broken cheek bone. Why did this happen? She suspected she might have had a brain tumor.  But eventually doctors explained it was due to exhaustion. Today, Arianna is on a mission to help all of us get a little more sleep each night to help improve our productivity and health and our bottom lines.

In the interview we learn how more sleep has equated to a richer life for Arianna. We also learn how she responds to criticism that getting more sleep is a luxury some of us can’t afford. Lastly we talk about the financial lessons learned as a young girl growing up in Greece.

Prior to The Sleep Revolution, Arianna authored Thrive: The Third Metric to Redefining Success and Creating a Life of Well-Being, Wisdom, and Wonder, in which she makes a compelling argument that our society needs to redefine the meaning of success to mean more than increased salaries and corner offices.

If you’d like to learn more about Arianna visit her website www.ariannahuffington.com or follow her on Twitter @ariannahuff.

One of my favorite quotes from the interview: “I learned that you set your priorities. If something’s important then really nothing is too much to do.” – Click To Tweet

P.S. Her sister, Agapi Stassinopoulos joined me on the show earlier this year. If you haven’t listened, go check out episode 282. They’re not just sisters. They’re roommates!


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