EP. 841

Annie Dickerson and Julie Lam

Goodegg Investments

January 30, 2019

Many of us are raised with this ideal around owning a home. Buying a home is the American dream and lately, I think that has been up for debate. But I think what is *still* very interesting is investing in real estate, finding the right markets, finding the right kinds of properties, turning these properties into investments and making them cash flow positive.

But of course, all that comes with a lot of work, a lot of research. It’s a whole job!

Our guests today are trying to simplify and streamline this process and invite more people to participate in real estate investing. To achieve this, Annie Dickerson and Julie Lam cofounded Goodegg Investments. They’re both working moms and experienced real estate investors who joined forces to find a way to help other busy people learn how to invest in cash-flowing real estate – without being a landlord.

To date, Goodegg Investments has co-syndicated over $400 million dollars of real estate assets. Annie and Julie are going to walk us through the behind-the-scenes of their business, how they identify good properties, how they more or less recession-proof their business and also, financial advice they were raised with that impacts their lives today.

Invest with Goodegg: https://www.goodegginvestments.com/invest
Sign up for Passive Real Estate Investor Academy: https://www.passiveinvestoracademy.com
Follow them on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/goodegginvestments/


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