So Money - Episode 328

Ann Shoket

Former Editor in Chief of Seventeen Magazine

Today’s guest is the former editor in chief of Seventeen magazine and one of the launch editors of CosmoGIRL. Ann Shoket has been named by Forbes as one of the “most Powerful US Fashion Magazine Editors.” For 10 years, she has been shaping the national conversation about and for millennial women. She is working on a book about what it takes for young women to be powerful and successful. Stay tuned for more information on that front this year.

She also has a great, informative newsletter so I highly recommend that you head over to her website and sign-up for it. It’s a sisterhood of young, hungry, ambitious women. Each week Ann sends a (short!) list of provocative conversation starters about the itchy, complicated emotions around wanting The Big Life – that irresistible cocktail of work, passion, respect, money and the relationship. You can sign up for the newsletter and join the conversation at

Three takeaways from our time together:

  • Ann talks about how she rose to the top of Seventeen.
  • How the ambitious and career-focused Millennial woman is impacting the dating world, marriage and parenthood.
  • The top financial concerns Millennial women have, as Ann sees and hears it.

If you’d like to learn more about Ann visit her website or follow her on Twitter @annshoket.

One of my favorite quotes from the interview: “My mission in life is to help young women find the confidence to walk into any room and own it.” – Click to Tweet

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