EP. 814

Andy Hill

Founder of Marriage, Kids and Money

November 28, 2018
Today, we’re going to talk about something that doesn’t get mentioned much here: marriage counseling. Specifically, we’re going to talk about how pursuing financial independence actually put today’s guest and his wife in marriage counseling.

Our guest is Andy Hill. He’s the founder of the blog and the podcast, both called Marriage, Kids, and Money. I was just a guest on Andy’s podcast last month, so this is a treat to have him on my show today.

Now, to be clear, Andy is a big proponent of financial independence and retiring early. Over the past 8 years, Andy and his wife, Nicole, have paid off $48,000 worth of debt, paid off their home that’s worth $400,000, and they’ve increased their net worth from 0 to $750,000 in 8 years.

However, the journey to get to this point hasn’t been without its challenges. Because Andy’s blog and podcast focus on helping families become financially independent, he wants to cover all topics related to marriage and kids, including how beneficial marriage counseling has been to him and his wife…after reaching an impasse in their relationship.

I appreciate Andy coming on the show today to talk about the challenges when you’re paying off debt and growing your wealth but also how those challenges can make families stronger.You can learn more about Andy by visiting MarriageKidsandMoney.com. You can also listen to the podcast by the same name and follow him on Twitter @AndyHillMKM.


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