So Money - Episode 131

Andrew Schrage

Co-Founder of

Today’s guest is Andrew Schrage, co-owner of Money Crashers, a personal finance and lifestyle website catering to young adults that attracts almost a million readers a month and provides him an income that rivals his former hedge fund salary. The site launched in 2009 and so as far as financial websites for young adults go, it’s one of the early birds, pioneers. The site is dedicated to providing practical financial education, actionable tips, and strategies that can be easily implemented in your daily life as a way to improve your lifestyle and decrease stress.

Three takeaways from our interview:

  • How Andrew decided to leave the comforts of a 9-to-5 on wall street to start his own business. What did his parents think?!
  • How he broke the news that he was leaving to his boss…
  • Advice for anyone starting a personal finance blog today. How to differentiate yourself?

One of my favorite quotes: “The proudest moment is when I called my bosses into the office and told them that I was quitting my job.” Click to Tweet

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