So Money - Episode 582

Alice Finn

"Smart Women Love Money" Author

Who loves money? Smart women, that’s who. Today’s guest Alice Finn, the author of the awesome book, Smart Women Love Money:Five Simple Life Changing Rules of Investing.

We’ve talked often on this show about the gender wage gap…and also the investing gap.  Women tend to invest less than men. Yes we have less money to invest with, but our guest today would argue that it’s not how much you make that’s important, but it’s how you save and invest that money that is critical.

In the book, Alice offers tools that women and men need to achieve long term success no matter how the markets are fluctuating. Alice is the CEO of Powerhouse Assets, a firm that she founded to help women become more engaged when it comes to their finances. She has a very interesting background, having worked at NASA, having started multiple businesses.

One of my favorite quotes from the interview: “If you don’t invest your #money, that will lead to over a million dollars of lost opportunity cost.” – Click To Tweet

To learn more about Alice visit

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