So Money - Episode 592

Adam Braun

Co-Founder and CEO of Pencils of Promise and MissionU

Do you think a college degree is really that important anymore? Will college even be around in 10 years? The institution, as we know it, is starting to transform thanks to visionaries like Adam Braun, our guest today, who’s recently launched a college alternative called MissionU

You may know Adam as the founder of Pencils of Promise, a non-profit that has built more than 400 schools around the developing world. Now he’s launching a very different type of college experience called MissionU, a one-year program that offers students the modern skills and experience to launch a successful career.

Adam was first exposed to what he describes as a broken higher education system when he witnessed his wife’s experience. She had over $100K in college debt and no bachelor’s degree to show for it. MissionU became Adam‘s solution for a higher-quality, debt-free education that positions students for success.

In our conversation we discuss…

  • Whether a college degree IS worth achieving. And how does he see the college landscape changing? Is Harvard here to stay?
  • What are the skills MissionU thinks are necessary to prepare students for today’s economy and what TOP companies are hiring MissionU’s students?
  • And Adam gets personal…what he learned about money as a kid growing up in Greenwich Connecticut, one of the richest towns in America.

If you’d like to learn more about Adam visit his website or follow him on Twitter @AdamBraun. To learn more about MissionU visit or follow them on Twitter @MissionU.

One of my favorite quotes from the interview: “You want to find out where your sense, not a passion, is because passions are very fleeting.” – Click To Tweet

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