So Money - Episode 722

Ask Farnoosh

Farnoosh Torabi

Our special co-host today is Sandra Grahame, co-founder and CEO of Smart Cookies. Smart Cookies teaches others how to bring their richest goals to life in a way that’s fun and inspiring (not about sacrifice and deprivation). Sandra‘s been featured in top news outlets including the Today Show, New York Times, CNN and Oprah among many others and has co-authored two best-selling books including The Smart Cookies Guide to Making More Dough and The Smart Cookie Guide to Couples and Money.

To download her free Spending Awareness Guide, click here.  

Our #AskFarnoosh questions today include:

Anonymous on Facebook asks:
I’m in the tail-end of my 20’s, happily married to my husband of 6 years, happily employed by a wonderful company, and I’m really just starting to take control of my financial journey. 

We are currently on track to finish paying off about $20,000 of debt within the next few months, and I am so excited to see some light at the end of the tunnel. Our next goals include building up 6-9 months of savings and paying off lower interest / less oppressive debts such as car loans and student loans. We own our own house and would, one day, like to spend some money on home improvements.

All of this is really exciting, but I do have one problem – I’ve got baby fever really, really bad.

I’ve been thinking that after we finish paying off our credit card debt, we can start trying to expand our family while working on building our savings up. Is that practical or are we being irresponsible?

Brad asks:

Can you talk more about income producing assets, that you can start with $1,000 or less and scale up?  Or maybe peer to peer lending?  I would be interested in hearing more about some of these maybe non-traditional investments.  I am getting tired of hearing max out your 401K or get your employer match, pay down debt, save an emergency fund, every one knows these things….

Dawn writes:

I currently have a poor credit score. My ex took one of my 2 cards when we split up and racked up debt. It’s about $2,000 worth. How can I can fix my credit?

Amie writes:

How do you plan for caring for aging parents and young children at the same time? My parents are retired and have decent savings, but they are getting older and my dad had some health issues last year. Thank you.

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