So Money - Episode 306

Jenna Ricker

Producer and Director

Today’s guest is a producer and director of notable films including Ben’s Plan (2007) and now most recently The American Side (2014). Jenna Ricker studied acting at the prestigious NYU’s Tisch School of the Arts and has received recognition in the industry ever since including the Mira Nair Award for Rising Female Filmmaker.  Her latest film is The American Side : She co-wrote and directed the movie which was hailed by the Hollywood Reporter as “an adrenaline-charged pop-noir mystery.” The film will hit theaters next Spring and to expand its release she and her team have launched a Kickstarter campaign.

Some takeaways from our interview… Jenna talks about being a woman – behind the camera, Jenna’s take on all the discussion in Hollywood and beyond about giving females a greater voice in cinema. And financing a film in 2015…how she convinced backers to give her over a million dollars for The American Side.

About Kickstarter campaign: 
With just 2 days to go, The American Side is 72% funded and closing in their goal. Kickstarter is an all-or-nothing crowd-funding platform. If you like Nikola Tesla, or a good mystery, or an excellent cast, and want to be a part of supporting a female filmmaker get a truly independent film into more theaters across this country, please take a look. If you like what you see, consider backing this project and helping them reach their goal before Dec. 10th!

If you’d like to learn more about Jenna Ricker visit the website of her film or follow her on Twittter at @RickerNYC.

One of my favorite quotes from the interview: “I think the best way to educate yourself is to roll up your sleeves & get in it.” – Click to Tweet

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