So Money - Episode 543

Beth Kobliner

Author of "Make Your Kid a Money Genius"

So many of you write in to Ask Farnoosh and ask questions about how to set your children up for their financial futures or how to best teach them about money. I’m right there with you. Evan is almost 3 and I have him hand the cashier the cash when we check out at the grocery store. Maybe he’s understanding that in order to go home with stuff we need to give something in exchange and that money is currency. Time will tell.

Today’s guest is Beth Kobliner, a leading personal finance authority whose first book, Get a Financial Life: Personal Finance in Your Twenties and Thirties, became a New York Times bestseller. For years and STILL it was THE money book you gave to all your friends, kids, grandkids graduating from college. Years later, Beth is out with a new book Make Your Kid a Money Genius (Even If You’re Not).  In it, she shares practical advice for teaching toddlers to young adults how to be smart with money.

Some more about Beth… . In 2010, she was elected by Obama to be a member of the President’s Advisory Council on Financial Capability, where she created, a resource to help kids develop some money skills.

Beth has some fresh and relevant advice to share on the show about how to raise money conscious children…and why bribing your kids to do well in school or do their chores with money is a wasted effort.

If you’d like to learn more about Beth visit or follow her on Twitter @BethKobliner.

One of my favorite quotes from the interview: “Making sure your kids are financially literate is a lesson that we can’t afford not to do.” – Click To Tweet

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