So Money - Episode 483


Supermodel and Advocate

Today’s guest is EMME! She is a well-known supermodel. People Magazine has named her twice as one of the “50 Most Beautiful People” and Ladies’ Home Journal chose her as one of the “Most Important Women in America” and one of the “Most Fascinating Women of the Year.”

But what I love MOST about her is that she’s also an advocate for a positive body image and self-esteem. She wants men and women to know that beauty comes in ALL shapes and sizes. She’s even created her own women’s community, EmmeNation.

It’s not every day I get to sit down with a super model so I had LOTS of questions including:

  • As a leading plus size model what challenges did she face in the industry?
  • How did she go about creating her brand while working as a model? Has it gotten easier these days with social media?
  • What financial lessons has she learned along the way, as she builds out her business?

Emme also has her own blog, Ask Emme where she answers questions from readers on everything from fashion to modeling to body image. She even has her own app so you can easily keep in touch with her community.

If you’d like to learn more about Emme, please visit her websites and or follow her on Twitter @SupermodelEmme.

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