So Money - Episode 469

Luvvie Ajayi

Author of "I'm Judging You"

Today’s guest is a blogging veteran, author, speaker, comedian and pop culture enthusiast. Luvvie Ajayi is joining me and she’s out with a brand new book, I’m Judging You: The Do Better Manual. It’s her first book and I’m very excited for it. The book has humorous essays that dissect our cultural obsessions and calls out bad behavior in our increasingly digital, connected lives.

A little bit more about Luvvie… she’s the voice behind the very popular blog,, where she covers all things pop culture. Luvvie also has a passion for social justice and shoes so in 2009 she co-founded The Red Pump Project to raise awareness about the impact of HIV/AIDS on women and girls. She serves as the nonprofit’s Executive Director. Luvvie also is a sought-after speaker speaking at conferences like TEDxColumbiaCollegeChicago, SXSW and numerous others. She’s also contributes to and Vulture.

In the interview we discuss is there such a thing as having too much money? Luvvie and I debate this. She also shares why she thinks giving back should be an obligation not an option. Plus, the deleted pages from her new book that have to do with doing better with our MONEY!

If you’d like to learn more about Luvvie visit her website or follow her on Twitter @Luvvie.

One of my favorite quotes from the interview: “My #1 drive is freedom. I want enough $ where I can live life on my own terms.” – Click To Tweet

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