So Money - Episode 377

Harry Campbell

The Rideshare Guy Blogger

Is anyone listening in today a fan of Uber or Lyft? I rely on Uber a lot. It might be one of those things that I “splurge” on to make my life easier or better at times, like I ask of my guests at the end of the show. There’s a point to all of this I promise. Today’s guest was once a full-time aerospace engineer and a part-time Uber, Lyft and Sidecar driver.

Harry Campbell discovered RideShare as a passenger several years ago and when he moved from San Diego to Orange County and decided to give it a try as a driver. We get into why in our interview today. Harry thought driving was a fun, flexible way to earn extra income. He found himself liking the flexibility in hours and enjoyed how it felt like running his own mini-business. Harry was interested in finding resources for drivers who were just starting out but realized there were little out there. That’s when his blog The RideShare Guy was born. In early 2015, Harry actually left his job as an engineer to pursue blogging full-time. He also is a tech contributor to Forbes and hosts his own podcast The RideShare Guy.

In the interview I want to know first and foremost why he made the transition to The RideShare Guy Blog and why he wanted to quit aerospace engineering. What kind of fulfillment he finds in this new job that he wasn’t finding in his previous job? Is it really a practical way to make extra money? I know that some of you have even written in, wondering if, “Hey, I’m thinking of taking on Uber or Lyft as a part time side gig. Should I do this? Is it worth my money and time? Because obviously, you have to invest in a car and gas and maintenance and all of that.” He talks about whether it’s worth it, who should be doing this and who shouldn’t. He also has really established a cool brand for himself. He’s out there speaking, he’s partnering with brands, he’s got sponsorships on the website and now he’s got the podcast. He’s really growing a little bit of an empire here. So, I want to ask him about that and how he learned how to do this. I don’t think they teach you this in aerospace engineering school, right? He breaks it down for us.

If you’d like to learn more about Harry Campbell, visit his website or follow him on Twitter @TheRideShareGuy.

One of my favorite quotes from the interview: “It’s just as important to reflect & look back so that you can learn from your mistakes.” – Click To Tweet

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