So Money - Episode 332

Steve Kamb

Nerd Fitness and "Level Up Your Life" Author

Who was your favorite super hero growing up? I think mine was … Who am I kidding? I didn’t watch action movies or read comic books when I was a kid. I was too busy running my pretend newspaper and bossing around my Cabbage Patch Dolls (I was an only child until age 11).

This has a point.

Steve Kamb a self-proclaimed “rebel leader” at Nerd Fitness and is our guest today. He has just released his first book “Level Up Your Life,” which is all about how to be a real-life superhero. There, you see?

He talks about how he went from a dead-end corporate job filled with anxiety-ridden days to living his dream life of seeking adventure whether it’s flying stunt planes in New Zealand or gambling in a tux at Casino de Monte-Carlo and shares how you can do it, too.

If you’d like to learn more about Steve Kamb visit his website or follow him on Twitter @SteveKamb.

One of my favorite quotes from the interview: “Find people that have succeeded in the same way that you want to succeed.” – Click to Tweet

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