So Money - Episode 322

2015 Highlights: Earn More

So Money® Year End Wrap

We’re heading into day 2 of the So Money® Year End Wrap. As a reminder. this is how it works. Each day I have a special theme and share some excerpts from some of my top interviews that correspond with that topic.

Today’s theme is about “earning more.” Probably my FAVORITE financial topic of all. You might know that I’m not a fan of couponing or cutting out coffee. I get more excited about the things I can DO to bring in the money that’s going to help me live a more exciting life.

There are two aspects of this earning more conversation. There’s earning more through an extra revenue stream or starting a business. And then there’s earning more on the job. You’d be shocked to know how few people actually ask for raises or ask for more money.

In this episode we’ll go back and hear from:

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