So Money - Episode 297

Todd Torabi

Product Designer at Petrolicious

Today’s guest is a really special person… he’s my brother! You’ve heard him on the show before as he was my co-host during some of the earlier episodes of Ask Farnoosh. Todd and I have a very big age gap. I am almost 11 years his senior, so you can imagine we have a special relationship. I remember changing many of his diapers, babysitting him and driving him to school. Both our parents worked at one point and the only person who could take Todd to kindergarten in the morning was ME. I would actually take Todd to my 1st period history class my senior year in high school and have a special note that allowed me to leave school at 8:30 to go drop Todd off at kindergarten and come back to school. I was single parenting at 17!

Proud to say that Todd – a MILLENNIAL! – has gone on to achieve a great deal in his early 20s. He is currently a product designer at Petrolicious, a media company and award-winning film series showcasing the powerful relationship between vintage cars and their owners. This job he got by first just emailing the founder out of the blue. Talk about guts! Todd also teaches. He helps run a 10-week User Experience Design course at the technology school, General Assembly.

He loves to play basketball and tennis. He is a die hard Patriots Fan and has recently taken up meditation. You wouldn’t know we’re related based on those interests…except the tennis part. He and I took lessons this summer and he kicked my butt.

Three takeaways from our interview:

  1. The details of that email he wrote to the founder of a company that ended up hiring him.
  2. Small steps Todd is taking to feel more purposeful and happy in life.
  3. The benefits to negotiating equity at your job – outside of the monetary benefits.

If you’d like to learn more about Todd Torabi, visit his website or follow him on Twitter @ToddTorabi.

One of my favorite quotes from the interview: “It’s not about what you deserve, it’s about what you can negotiate.” – Click to Tweet

November is all about giving back at So Money®! 

I’ve partnered with Joe Saul-Sehy, host of the Stacking Benjamins podcast to host a charity fundraiser/competition the entire month. He and I have each selected a personal charity and our goal is to raise tons of money with your help. 
The So Money® charity is THON, a dance marathon and the largest student-run philanthropy held at Pennsylvania State University (my alma mater!) that helps raise money and awareness for the fight against pediatric cancer. You can donate here.
The Stacking Benjamins charity is Texas 4000, a 4,000 mile bike ride that University of Texas students take to raise money for cancer research and cancer related causes. You can donate here.
The podcast that receives the MOST money for its charity will win the chance to write the introduction to the other person’s podcast in January (buhahah!) 
We’ll keep you updated throughout the month!
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