So Money - Episode 262

Jenn Scalia

From Rock Bottom to 6-Figures

If you’re a female entrepreneur you’ll hopefully be as inspired as I am by today’s guest. Jenn Scalia is a visibility coach and online business strategist who specializes in helping female entrepreneurs stand out in their industry in order to make an impact in their area of expertise. She’s best known for her tough love, no-B.S. style when it comes to managing her clients.

She has quite the story of her own having hit rock bottom only to come back stronger than ever.  After losing the love of her life, moving back in with her parents and piling up debt, Jenn was a single mom and realized it was time for a change. Jenn motivated herself to build a 6-figure business to become an online superstar. Today, she helps thousands of entrepreneurs who follow her teachings of how to promote their brands online.  She is also regularly featured on Huffington Post, Elite Daily and MindBodyGreen.

Takeaways from our time together:

  1. Her very long but poignant mission statement that not only expresses her financial philosophy but who she wants to be, how she wants to feel and the people she wants to work with.
  2. Experiencing life as a boomerang kid. Living with her parents post-divorce. The wake-up call she had to get herself out and on her own once again.
  3. What she would do if she won the lottery. Believe it or not she mentions paying off her husband’s debts…Oh no!

If you’d like to learn more about Jenn Scalia, visit her website and follow her on Twitter @JennScalia.

One of my favorite quotes from the interview: “You don’t have to work hard for your money. You can make really good money just doing something that you really enjoy.” – Click To Tweet

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