So Money - Episode 165

Kimra Luna

From Welfare to $1 Million in Sales

Today’s guest came to me through a friend recommendation. She emailed me and said, “Hey, Farnoosh, I want to tell you about Kimra Luna whom I think could be a great fit for your podcast. She’s a mom of three kids who went from struggling on welfare, to generating $890,000 in the very first year of her online marketing business. This allowed her to retire her husband, a FedEx driver, who now helps her with the business. She has one of the most passionate followings I’ve ever seen online. She runs a popular Facebook group called Freedom Hackers with over 10,000 members. She has about 14,000 people on her newsletter list and generated over $720,000 on her most recent launch of Be True, Brand You with no affiliates.”


She goes on to say that, “Kimra’s Freedom Hackers Mastermind has become the number one online Facebook community for networking and learning how to grow a successful online business. Her $2,000 program Be True, Brand You has almost 500 students and actually, Kimra earned not just $720,000 from that recent launch, but altogether almost a million dollars in sales in the course of a year, launching her online platform.” My friend goes on to say that, “What I think is so cool about Kimra is her unapologetic authenticity. She has blue hair and tells it like it is at her killer mindset.”

Yes, I had to learn more. I was like, “I need Kimra on So Money®.” I quickly booked her. No brainer, I’m excited to say she said, “Yes.” She’s on the show today and what a killer mindset she has. I selfishly actually wanted to meet her to learn how she has made so much money online in such a short period of time. This isn’t a Get Rich Quick episode but it’s really about how one woman managed to despite a lot of adversity, living on welfare at one point in her life and just struggling financially, to be able to get the inspiration and also the willpower, wherewithal, hard work, determination, to take her family from zero to 100 in less than a year.

Three key takeaways:

  • We’re going to learn how from food stamps to almost millionaire. How did she do it?
  • How she went from being a “digital nobody,” as she describes herself, to generating almost a million dollars in online sales her first year.
  • The exact steps to building a massive online community and how her life has changed now that she and her family of five (three kids) – have more money than they ever thought they would.

If you’d like to learn more about Kimra Luna, please visit her website or follow her on Twitter @KimraLuna.

One of my favorite quotes from the interview: “Just enjoy the money that you have.” –Click to Tweet

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