So Money - Episode 152

Eric Lowitt

CEO of Nexus Global Advisors and Author

So did you ever wish that you could predict the future? Um, yeah I have. I mean, it would kind of a pretty awesome superpower. Well, today’s guest is a futurist. Did you even know that was a profession? He’s not a fortune teller, he’s actually a professional futurist and is very much on the cutting edge of thought leadership surrounding sustainability, and his name is Eric Lowitt. He’s doing incredible work as a self-described volatility advocate and expert. He, like I said, he’s a futurist, he’s a thought leader and the CEO of Nexus Global Advisors. It’s an advisory firm that works with CEO’s, senior public officials, and leading executives on strategy, collaboration, sustainability, volatility, and business models of tomorrow. And if you’re running a business today, what are the forces at play that you may not even see that would likely impact your work and your goals.

Eric is the author of two ground-breaking books. His next book is call “The V Quotient: How to Thrive in Our Fractured World”. It’s highly anticipated. It’s coming out mid-2016 and prior to being with Nexus Global Advisors, Eric was a consultant and advised companies for 20 years with Accenture, Fidelity Investments, Deloitte Consulting. He got his MBA from Wharton, and he’s been named one of the top 100 thought leaders in trustworthy business for 4 straight years. He’s kinda smart, kind of you know, so I had to put on my special thinking cap during this interview. I hope I succeeded.

Three takeaways from the interview:

  • What is means to be volatility expert – talk to me like I’m 3 Eric cause I’m kind of new to this territory and I think some of my listeners might be too. We’re not dumb, but we’re just kind of unfamiliar with this kind of work. So we know what volatility is obviously, but how do you become a volatility expert.
  • Learning about money as a kid – Eric has some very interesting stories about how his father built a kind of money tree in the backyard. It was funny, but also chock full of lessons. Eric’s met a lot of prestigious people in his life, namely he had an opportunity to meet president Bill Clinton
  • In telling that story he talks about the big splurge that he made before meeting and shaking his hand and why it was worth it.

If you’d like to learn more about Eric Lowitt, visit his website or following him on twitter @ericlowitt.

One of my favorite quotes from the interview: “Invest only what you can afford to lose.” – Click to Tweet

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