So Money - Episode 144

Nagina Sethi Abdullah

Founder of

Today’s guest is my friend Nagina Sethi Abdullah. She is a management consultant, weight-loss and food coach, and founder of It’s an online resource for healthy recipes and weight-loss tips for the busy working woman. I have been to one of her cooking events and I have to say, for someone who more or less just knows how to boil water, make cereal and scrambled eggs, I learned several great recipes from Nagina. Really, really easy ones, I was so inspired when I left that evening, and I got to meet some amazing women as well. She is really developing an amazing community around nutrition and food and healthy living. I’m so, so excited for her and all there is to come.

Now this business actually was born out of a personal need for Nagina, as so often we find ourselves creating businesses because we personally are in need of something. Nagina was looking for a way to lose her baby fat, to lose her baby weight, eat right and maintain that sense of energy and healthfulness after her pregnancy. So using the recipes and the resources that she shares on, she actually lost herself and astonishing 40 pounds. Nagina understands that professional women often don’t have the time, frankly, to spend hours at the gym or devote to dieting. She created to help ambitious women tweak and update their routines and stay healthy.

Three takeaways from our interview:

  • How she started her business on the side while maintaining a full time job. Full time. And I’m talking big job! She’s a management consultant for a big firm, and on top of that she is a mom and a wife and she successfully launched a business on the side.
  • The behavioral psychology that led to her career success.
  • How we can all get on to the path towards healthier living, healthier eating, one small step at a time.

If you’d like to learn more about Nagina, visit her website and follow her on Twitter @Nagina.

My favorite quote from the interview: “The ‘get rich quick’ scheme also means you could get poor quick too.” – Click to Tweet

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