So Money - Episode 99

Zac Bissonnette

Author of The Great Beanie Baby Bubble

— To stream the interview click here.

— To download the mp3 right click here and choose “save as”

Today’s guest is the best-selling author of the recent book The Great Beanie Baby Bubble and two other highly acclaimed bestsellers which he wrote before his 24th birthday: Debt-Free U and How to Be Richer, Smarter, and Better-Looking Than Your Parents. He has contributed to the Wall Street Journal, the Boston Globe Magazine, the Daily Beast, and Bloomberg, among others. He was also the editor of the Warman’s Guide to Antiques & Collectibles and a contributing editor with Antique Trader. His name is Zac Bissonnette.

Three takeaways from our interview:

— Key personal financial lessons from the Great Beanie Baby craze.

— His biggest financial regret.

— Why he likes to donate to libraries.

If you’d like to learn more about Zac Bissonnette, check out his new book The Great Beanie Baby Bubble and follow him on Twitter @ZacBissonnette.

My favorite quote from the interview: “My dad taught me about money the way that an alcoholic teaches kids about drinking.” – click to tweet

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