So Money - Episode 97

Ask Farnoosh

Farnoosh Torabi

In today’s Ask Farnoosh episode…


You always have such interesting guests, I’m inspired by the self-made success stories! Could you explain more about freelance writing and other internet freelancing opportunities? And where one could begin to get into freelance work?


You always say that we can ask you about anything. I have a question about the equipment that you use for your podcast. The sound quality of your podcast is far superior from most others that I listen to – your voice is clear as well as the guest’s, and I assume that you are interviewing most of your guests over the phone; so, can you please let me know what equipment you use to achieve such high quality audio? Thanks so much! I absolutely looooove your podcast and listen to it pretty much every single day (weekends included!).


How do you create business credit with a new business? Without using your personal Fico score?


This year I have added some healthy new habits to my life to help nurture myself more and grow: classes, therapy, acupuncture etc. I love my new lifestyle but I am having a hard time making it work with my budget and have acquired a bit of debt in the first quarter of the year. Luckily I will be able to pay it off with my tax refund however I would love to be saving more money. Often I create budgets but have a hard time sticking to them. Do you have any tricks on how I can make budgeting a habit I can keep for life?


I want to semi-retire in 4 years and we have 2 kids graduating from college in May. One grad & one undergrad. How do we help pay student loans and continue aggressively paying down the mortgage?

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